Sesungguhnya hati mana yg tidak tersentuh bila mendengar, sahabat akhowat, kakak naqibah, adik usrah, saudara mara yang bakal membina baitul muslim mereka...
pasti aku tersenyum lebar bila mendengar berita-berita pernikahan dan undangan daripada para sahabat..
itulah perkataan yg pasti terpacul dari mulut aku..
aku sangat gembira dan kagum bagi mereka yang memilih untuk menamatkan zaman bujang...
bagi aku...
bukan calang-calang orang yang mampu menggalas tanggungjawab untuk berkeluarga..
ilmu agama mesti cukup di dada, simpanan mesti ada, iman mesti teguh di hati..barulah kebahagian kekal abadi..
pasti segala-galanya dipermudahkan oleh ALLAH, andai kita berkahwin untuk membina baitul muslim yang sama-sama dpt menegakkan sha Allah
Bagi si isteri pula, semakin bertambah banyak peluang untuk menambahkan pahala..iaitu dengan mentaati suami....masak utk suami, dpt pahala...ingat suami, dpt pahala...mesej i lap u, dpt pahala...coo cweet!pastu klu mati masa melahirkan baby, dikira sbg mati syahid plak tu....sgt byk bonus Allah sediakan utk para isteri..
tahniah buat sahabat akhowat...
smoga perkahwinan yang dibina terus dirahmati dan diberkati ^^
siapa yang x teringin nak kahwin...
siapa yang x teringin nak disayangi...
bagi aku...
ak x berani nak mengharap pada yang soleh, apatah lagi ustaz mahupun para alim ulamak..
kerana ak tahu, ak ni x sesolehah mana...
kalu stakat pakai tdung bsar...sume orang bleh pkai...
tp klu nk sukat ilmu agama ak, sangat lahh sikit..entah penimbang dpt baca ke x..
amalan ak pon, xde lah istiqomah sgt...
solat pon xde la on time slalu...
mengumpat x pernah miss..hehe
Allah sangat sayang kt aku...
Allah sentiasa menyediakan peluang untuk aku cari ilmu-ilmu agar aku dpt lebih kenal Allah...
Allah sentiasa setia dengar rintihan aku...
Allah temukan dengan sahabat akhowat yang solehah-solehah..
Allah sentiasa jaga aku...
sebab tu lah...aku rase ak patut kenal Allah dan dekat dengan Allah dulu..
barulah aku dapat kenal insan yang sayangkan sha Allah..
yang penting sekarang,
aku baru masuk tahun 3 belajar di IPG,
masih jauhhhhhhhh lagi perjalanan ak...
fokus utama skrg,
banyakkan amal ibadat...
cari ilmu agama byk-byk...
maintain result..
bina hubungan baik dengan semua org..
jaga hati ibu bapa..
elakkan mengumpat...hehe
in sha Allah...
semoga segala urusan dipermudahkan...
soal jodoh tu...serahkan kepada Allah..
no need to worry about that..
coz ALLAH knows da best!
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Tips Untuk Sentiasa Ceria ^^
1. Agar wajah selalu segar, berseri-seri dan cantik, cucilah minima 5 kali sehari dengan air wudhu. Jangan langsung dikeringkan, biarkan menitis dan kering sendiri. Lalu ambillah sajadah, shalat, berdzikir, dan berdo’a.
2. Untuk menghilangkan stress, perbanyaklah ‘olahraga’. Cukup dengan memperbanyakkan solat. Ketika solat, kita mengerakkan seluruh tubuh. Lalu berkonsultasilah pada Allah SWT dengan dzikir dan do’a.
3. Untuk pelembab, agar awet muda, gunakanlah senyuman. Tidak hanya di bibir tapi juga di hati. Jangan lupa bisikkan ‘kata kunci’, “Allahuma Kamma Hassanta Khalqii Fahassin Khuluqii” (Ya Allah sebagaimana engkau telah memperindah kejadianku, maka perindah pula akhlaqku). (HR Ahmad).- ( DOA TENGOK CERMIN ).
4. Untuk punya bibir cantik, bisikkan kalimat-kalimat Allah, tidak berbohong atau menyakiti hati orang lain, tidak menyombongkan diri atau takbur.
5. Agar tubuh langsing, mulus, diet yang teratur dengan berpuasa seminggu 2 kali, Isnin dan Khamis. Jika kuat, lebih bagus lagi puasa Nabi Daud AS i.e. selang satu hari. Makanlah makanan halal, perbanyak sayuran, buah-buahan, dan air putih.
6. Untuk mengembangkan diri, sebarkan salam dan sapaan. Dengan demikian kita akan banyak dikenal dan disayangi.
p/s : semoga bermanfaat buat amalan bersama
2. Untuk menghilangkan stress, perbanyaklah ‘olahraga’. Cukup dengan memperbanyakkan solat. Ketika solat, kita mengerakkan seluruh tubuh. Lalu berkonsultasilah pada Allah SWT dengan dzikir dan do’a.
3. Untuk pelembab, agar awet muda, gunakanlah senyuman. Tidak hanya di bibir tapi juga di hati. Jangan lupa bisikkan ‘kata kunci’, “Allahuma Kamma Hassanta Khalqii Fahassin Khuluqii” (Ya Allah sebagaimana engkau telah memperindah kejadianku, maka perindah pula akhlaqku). (HR Ahmad).- ( DOA TENGOK CERMIN ).
4. Untuk punya bibir cantik, bisikkan kalimat-kalimat Allah, tidak berbohong atau menyakiti hati orang lain, tidak menyombongkan diri atau takbur.
5. Agar tubuh langsing, mulus, diet yang teratur dengan berpuasa seminggu 2 kali, Isnin dan Khamis. Jika kuat, lebih bagus lagi puasa Nabi Daud AS i.e. selang satu hari. Makanlah makanan halal, perbanyak sayuran, buah-buahan, dan air putih.
6. Untuk mengembangkan diri, sebarkan salam dan sapaan. Dengan demikian kita akan banyak dikenal dan disayangi.
p/s : semoga bermanfaat buat amalan bersama
Friday, January 11, 2013
Stop Searching for A Prince
a Muslim woman, I also want a great man to marry me - the man who
lowers his gaze so that I become the only woman he sees, the man who
preserved his heart for me, the man whose love will make me stronger - a
gift from Allah, insya-Allah. Surely, I want him to encourage me to be
closer to Allah in our baitul muslim; baitul dakwah.
But sisters, do you think that a prince of deen will marry you while you just sit in front of your laptop, busy updating your status about marrying a righteous man or sharing almost all of Irma Hasmie's marriage photos and saying how lucky she is to become a wife of a great man? Will a prince of deen look for you just because of your splendid poem about marriage, your 'surat-buat-calon-suami' entries or your 'menanti-bakal-imamku-dunia-ak hirat' status? No.
And why do you focus on finding a righteous man (a prince of deen) only? Stop it. Don't let your imagination ruin yourself. There are many doors of Jannah so there are many ways to enter them. Don't just focus on one way (marriage). Be a righteous person first, prepare yourself. Devote yourself to Allah and when you stop searching for a prince and make Allah the King of your heart, He will help you to complete your fairy tale.
For ladies, remember this - don't worry if you haven't found your life partner. Be a righteous woman not just because you want to marry a righteous man. Marry a righteous man not just because you want him to go with you to Jannah. You can attain Jannah with or without marriage. Now is the time for you be the one that can lead yourself there.
Take Maryam r.a as an example. She never did get married but was still a righteous woman in the eye of Allah SWT.
"I tell the boys and girls; Allah has already written the name of your spouses for you. What you need to work on is your relationship with Allah. He will send him/her to you when you're ready. It is only a matter of time."
But sisters, do you think that a prince of deen will marry you while you just sit in front of your laptop, busy updating your status about marrying a righteous man or sharing almost all of Irma Hasmie's marriage photos and saying how lucky she is to become a wife of a great man? Will a prince of deen look for you just because of your splendid poem about marriage, your 'surat-buat-calon-suami' entries or your 'menanti-bakal-imamku-dunia-ak
And why do you focus on finding a righteous man (a prince of deen) only? Stop it. Don't let your imagination ruin yourself. There are many doors of Jannah so there are many ways to enter them. Don't just focus on one way (marriage). Be a righteous person first, prepare yourself. Devote yourself to Allah and when you stop searching for a prince and make Allah the King of your heart, He will help you to complete your fairy tale.
For ladies, remember this - don't worry if you haven't found your life partner. Be a righteous woman not just because you want to marry a righteous man. Marry a righteous man not just because you want him to go with you to Jannah. You can attain Jannah with or without marriage. Now is the time for you be the one that can lead yourself there.
Take Maryam r.a as an example. She never did get married but was still a righteous woman in the eye of Allah SWT.
"I tell the boys and girls; Allah has already written the name of your spouses for you. What you need to work on is your relationship with Allah. He will send him/her to you when you're ready. It is only a matter of time."
- Sheikh Mamdouh-
#ayat copy paste
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Express Islam in Kiut-Miut way
I'm really impressed with people who are creative..
which is Allah has given talent to them to draw and are able to create something that when we look it we will say "oh sooo cute!!!"
I've got many friends that have a powerful hands which they can draw nicely..
when i'm googling for some cute pics..
i've 100 times impressed when i see very kiut-miut islamic cartoons...
i realize that, islamic cartoons is one of the best way to attract people to get to know about ISLAM..
especially kids..
yaa..normally kids and cartoons are just like "aur dengan tebing".
in fact, many of teens or adults includes me love to see kiut-miut things...
so..these are some islamic cartoons that i've found at
check it out!
which is Allah has given talent to them to draw and are able to create something that when we look it we will say "oh sooo cute!!!"
I've got many friends that have a powerful hands which they can draw nicely..
when i'm googling for some cute pics..
i've 100 times impressed when i see very kiut-miut islamic cartoons...
i realize that, islamic cartoons is one of the best way to attract people to get to know about ISLAM..
especially kids..
yaa..normally kids and cartoons are just like "aur dengan tebing".
in fact, many of teens or adults includes me love to see kiut-miut things...
so..these are some islamic cartoons that i've found at
check it out!
Saturday, January 5, 2013
New Environment
the third year I'm studying at IPG Kampus Penang..
but still long journey need to be faced before becoming a great teacher..
the most "special" things happen for my third year is actually I need to move to the new block!!!
I need to Hijrah...
MasyaAllah..when I've got news about moving block from my roomate, I couldn't expressed about my feelings at that moment..not so happy but not so upset..the one thing that appeared in my mind was I gonna be sufferrrrr because of thousands of things need to be moved out from the previous block to the new block..
Luckily, thank family willing to help me to move all of my stuffs and cleaned my new room..
Its fully green and bright room complete with a fan that spin like a helicopter...because of my room is totally paint with green colour thus makes me feel like I am in Markas Pas..haha
now, together with my roomate, Izzah, we live "happily" n "peacefully" n "silently" in our new block..which is BLOK NONA..this is our "lovely" block..tadaaa..
my hope for this year,
p/s : to those TESL student, English lecturer or teacher, grammarian...please dont use red pen to mark my post...i know there are a lot grammatical errors..haha..I'm just a beginner and just trying to improve my English...oh my English!
the third year I'm studying at IPG Kampus Penang..
but still long journey need to be faced before becoming a great teacher..
the most "special" things happen for my third year is actually I need to move to the new block!!!
I need to Hijrah...
MasyaAllah..when I've got news about moving block from my roomate, I couldn't expressed about my feelings at that moment..not so happy but not so upset..the one thing that appeared in my mind was I gonna be sufferrrrr because of thousands of things need to be moved out from the previous block to the new block..
Luckily, thank family willing to help me to move all of my stuffs and cleaned my new room..
Its fully green and bright room complete with a fan that spin like a helicopter...because of my room is totally paint with green colour thus makes me feel like I am in Markas Pas..haha
now, together with my roomate, Izzah, we live "happily" n "peacefully" n "silently" in our new block..which is BLOK NONA..this is our "lovely" block..tadaaa..
it is nice huh? |
my hope for this year,
- i hope i can adapt with the new environment at BLOK NONA
- i hope i can score with flying colours for this semester (eventhough lecturers said that most subjects for this sem are quite tough)
- i hope i'm able to get to know my Lord better..insyaAllah
- i hope my iman always getting increases
- i hope i am able to take care of ears, eyes, tongue, hands, feet from make any sin..
- actually..there are still billions of hopes I want to write..but I guess these just be enough to share in this blog..hoho.
slippers that we use to walk around the block |
this is my roomate's sleeping partner (x_x) |
p/s : to those TESL student, English lecturer or teacher, grammarian...please dont use red pen to mark my post...i know there are a lot grammatical errors..haha..I'm just a beginner and just trying to improve my English...oh my English!
Friday, January 4, 2013
Kekasih Yang Dirindui
ari ni da genap 1 mggu ak berada di IPG...
genap 1 mggu jgk la berjauhan dgn kekasihku yg berada nun jauh di Kelantan...
genap 1 mggu jgk la ak x merase masakan kekasihku..
genap 1 mggu jgk ak tidak menyakat kekasihku...
aiseh..mcm sajak jiwang la pullop..
ari ku x lengkap tanpa mendengar suara kekasihku...
tekanan yang dialami menjadi lega bila segalanya diluahkan kpd kekasihku..
kau yg sentiasa mengingatkanku untuk mengingati kekasih yg maha Agung pada setiap masa..
kau yg sentiasa membekalkanku dgn ayat-ayat cinta untuk kekasih yg maha Agung..
kau juga yg tidak pernah jemu melayan karenahku..
kau kekasih awal dan akhir...blablabla..erk x ingt lirik
ni la kekasih yang sentiasa ku rindui...
walau jauh di mata..tapi di hati tetap selalu dekat..di mataku kau yg terindah
sesungguhnya ku menyayangimu kerana ALLAH!
i love u mom!!!
26 dec 2012
da last day u're being as a Matron..
now she is retire..
being full housewife for my dad.
hope my mom always be blessed n always in da pink of health
ikhlas dari :
anakmu yg nakal tapi sedang cuba untuk menjadi yang baik
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